Wellness Policay
At Casa Dance Studio, our students are involved in many things; school, dance, sports, drama and other activities,  so we like to share tips on how to avoid and limit the spread of all the nasty bugs that kids get. Our studio is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every day but please remember that many people come through the studio each day. Sometimes they have a bug and don’t even know. We have many nurses in our dance family who have offered to help in any way possible. If your child has one of these pesky bugs, take the time to treat it. Prevent the spreading of nasty bugs by keeping your child home for at least 24 hours. Remember how you feel when your little one or when you get a not so fun surprise from a friend!

Cold & Flu, Covid 
Keep your child, family member, or yourself home if sick
Keep your child, family member, or yourself home if you have had a fever within 24 hours minimum. 48 hours is best!
Wash your hands frequently.
Cough & Sneeze like a VAMPIRE! We use our hands to touch things. This is the best way to stop germs spreading when you can’t cough/sneeze into a tissue 
Focus on your nutrition. Fruits and veggies help bodies stay strong to fight off nasty bugs.
Keep your hands to yourself! It is fun to give your friend a hug but when it is flu season air hugs are even better!
Get enough rest

Stomach Bug
Keep your child, family member, or yourself home if they have the stomach bug
Keep your child, family member, or yourself home if you have been throwing up within 24 hours minimum. 48 hours is best!
Wash your hands frequently.
Keep your hands to yourself! 
Pay attention to how you feel. 

Check your child’s hair on a regular basis
Keep hair secured up fully
Use tea tree oil or mint in hair
Don’t share hairbrushes, hair ties, hats, etc
Don’t share hoodies.
Keep your heads and hair to yourself. 
If your child, family member, or yourself have Lice treat it and stay home 48 hours after treatment.
Continue to treat and check hair for a month after initial treatment
Follow the instructions for treatment.

Keep your skin clean & dry
Do not share unwashed clothes or tights with others. 
Keep your clothes, especially those used in physical activities, clean
Wash your hands thoroughly after digging in soil. 
Talk to your doctor if your child has unexplained red or itchy skin.
Follow doctor’s treatment plans
Cover up infection completely once doctor approves rejoining extracurricular activities 

If you or your student has been exposed to someone who is sick (any illness, not just COVID) please stay home. Your student may attend class via Zoom.

If your student will not be attending an in-person class and needs to attend via Zoom please notify the studio by 2pm the day of their class.